Sunday, April 28th, 2024

G Gathering Urban League's Day of Caring

Urban League's Day of Caring

In keeping with its mission to foster economic self-reliance, The Urban League of Hampton Roads partnered with the United Way for a Day of Caring. The annual event included on-site health screenings, a career fair, voter registration and food distribution.

Case management team members Crystal Copeland and Charles Winslow enjoy working with the public.

Program Coordinator Rebecca Ward has been with the Urban League three years.

Toni Brown, Community Health Outreach Coordinator (l), and Michelle Happer, Foreclosure Specialist.

An excited Nastasha Goodwin registers to vote.

From left: Mike Hughes - President of United Way, Michelle Larkin - United Way volunteer, Mark Jones - United Way's Chief Volunteer Officer and Edith Wharton, President and CEO of Urban League of Hampton Roads.

Charlotte McCullough and Sherry Hibley of T.J. Maxx explained the hiring process to applicants.

Kimsung Hawkes provided health screenings.

ULHR staff member Kristen Guin and volunteer Donna Speller Taylor assisted with food distribution.

Urban League of Hampton Roads President and CEO Edith Wharton.